Wednesday, August 26, 2009

lamma island

One Saturday in August, I went to Lamma Island with Kana, my friend who also had an internship at WGSN. Our ferry took about half an hour and we munched on apples until we docked. The island is south of Hong Kong island and probably one of the most relaxing and beautiful places I have been since staying here. Literally an escape from all that is shiny, commercial and metal, it was such a rush to see thick, lush plants.

We poked around some shops at handmade crafts then ate some tasty seafood rice with creamy sauce in a seaside dai pai dong. We set out to hike up to the windmill which we spotted upon approaching the island...and had to take a break to buy toys/rest from the heat. The trail lead us up, up hill and past many houses with small fenced yards. Kana and I peeked through one fence and a couple was relaxing on their secluded porch with their dogs, drinking wine and listening to would be so nice to live on the island. Kana said many foreigners who work in Central move to Lamma Island because it is cheaper housing. I would expect it to be more secluded and spacious and much like a vacation. The only trouble is taking the ferry to work everyday and being home on time-- if you miss the last ferry, which I'm sure people have, they best find a cheap hotel or nice friend to lend a couch.

We continued the hike to the windmill and finally, there it was. A massive lone windmill, I believe the first in Hong Kong. It was made with German parts and finished in 2006. There weren't too many people at the windmill so we wandered around taking photos and laying in the grass- Kana was super happy to lay in the grass. Actually my cousin also mentioned one activity she cannot do in HK is lay in grass. There isn't a lot of grass here to lay in and even in Victoria Park (where there is grass) there are signs that specify "no walking"! What the heck! Laying in grass is one of the best feelings; being deprived of such enjoyment is sad so I'm glad I found some on Lamma Island. Sadly grass is where bugs live and many crawled up my dress and bit my

I think one of the best bits of the day was enjoying the cool breeze up on the hill because I rarely feel any breeze in HK besides the air conditioning vent. I have missed nature!

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